HTS Geo systems 77K see Geo systems pdf
T877 Tensor data sheet 77K see Tensor pdf:
DRM-300 data sheet Cryocooler Rock Magnetometer 4K DRM-330 pdf
Please contact ASC Scientific for additional details on the DRM-300 and accessories.
SMM-401 nanoSQUID 4K see SMM-401 pdf
Hts Tensor System:
The system will measure all unique elements of the field tensor.
3-Axis SQUID Magnetometers
3-Axis SQUID magnetometers for MT (Magneto Telluric), IP (Induced Polarization) and low frequency EM (Electro Magnetic) measurements. Additional models are now under development for borehole use (shallow and deep application). 8 channel magnetometer / gradiometer arrays are also available for mobile survey applications including unexploded ordnance, airborne mineral exploration and environmental waste detection.